Execution: 1 day
Region: JHB (Monte Casino)
Ambassadors: 8 x ambassadors per activation
Duration: 7-hour shift
Total activation: 1
Total one-on-one interactions: 950
Total no of giveaways distributed: 382


How is the Sanlam RTO Project related to the Mitchum set-up?
The Sanlam RTO Project is closely connected to the Mitchum set-up. By examining the sanlam rto project details, we can comprehend the intricate relationship between the two. This analysis sheds light on the significant overlaps and mutual dependencies that exist, emphasizing the interconnectivity of these ventures.
• The activation went well, there was a lot of hype & excitement, customers loved the idea of standing a chance
to win R5000 grand prize competition as well as instant giveaways.
• Customers were more than happy to follow Mitchum on their social media platform. However, there were a
few customers who are not on social media platforms.
• The refreshing water cooler got customers sipping and sharing cool moments while taking selfies on our
branded VIP stand.
• Some customers were requesting a variety of samples, some of them are loyal to Mitchum and prefer specific
deodorants, they would have loved to swap what they received in their goodie bag for their favourite variant
• Some of the female customers mentioned that they prefer male roll-ons.
• Customers definitely loved the snapback caps and some expressed how much they would have loved to win
the gym bags and towels for future activations.
• The vending machine instant prize give-away was a massive attraction for most customers and allowed
absolute fairness and complete suspense for the customers having to eagerly reveal their instant prizes.
• The instant photos really enticed customers to take photos and redeem their instant prizes. The set-up looked
amazing and created a relaxation spot for the customers. Some of the customers were happy to leave their
phones at the charging station, while many others spent quality time in our lounge while their devices